TASCforce has been attending city council meetings in Hudson, Stow, Silver Lake, and Cuyahoga Falls. We are asking them to write letters to Metro RTA asking them to oppose the reactivation of rail service on their right-of-way and support the proposed Veterans Trail instead. We have had success in doing this and next week we will petition the Akron City Council to express their support as well. Yesterday, the Akron Beacon Journal published an article about this subject. It is being carried in the local community papers as well. Read the article by clicking here. How can you help, you ask? Go to tascforce.org and see how you can send a letter opposing the rail and supporting the trail instead. Then send this link to 3 trail loving friends and ask them to sign up at tascforce.org to add their support to this worthy cause! It seriously takes one minute and will allow TASCforce to speak with more authority and keep fellow trail advocates informed about what is going on.

“A multi-purpose trail is a far "higher and better" use of this right-of-way as it will enable all the residents of Summit County to enjoy a beautiful trail rather than allowing a very few railroad employees and some undesirable businesses to benefit.". - TASCforce philosophy